Very good.
What was that, the nazi revolution or something? Hahaha.
I agree with lossen51, this was completely pointless in plot. Maybe the plot was hidden and was the Nazi revolution, because the german heavy metal sure made it look that way.
This animation was exceptional in animation, the music was alright and sorta went along with the animation to give it more of an industrial grungy kind of feeling.
The excecution, however, was acceptable. I mean, everything flowed nicely and all, but anyone can copy/paste robots and do loops on things going by and machines doing stuff, and making a picture seem like it was moving by making it float across the screen without view of the legs (I am of course talking about that weird bald guy)
On a side note, at the preloader when it was loading the bald guy, I saw for a second that the red behind his glasses was just a blob scribbled down with a paint utensil. I thought that was funny, haha.
Anyway, this was in the end a close to really really good movie. The best animation parts (obviously) were the free hand of the robot shooting stuff during the Nazi song's chorus. That was the niftyest part. ^0^ |3
Lastly, it was nice to see the (american?) soldiers gawking in awe at the suposidly infinite swarm of flying nazi robots. Haha, that was awesome.